What is a Web Server? How are they operated? What number of types exist? These inquiries frequently perplex us. It’s not always clear what web servers are used for, so let’s get started and attempt to make things as clear as we can. Enroll your child in the 98thPercentile coding program to get more of these incredible topics explained simply and prepare them for the future.
Sometimes web pages are not built as static files, but rather dynamically. For example, when you check in, a website’s content is tailored to you. In many cases, the web server works with other software, including databases and application servers, to develop and deliver the content.
Web servers play a major role in the delivery of content on the internet. All of your online activities, such as shopping, checking email, and reading the news, are made possible by web servers. If you understand how web servers work, you might have more respect for the technology that powers them. Visit www.98thpercentile.com for additional in-depth information, and sign up for the two-week free trial coding classes right away.